Sunday, April 27, 2014

Road Trip Might Be Just What This Team Needs

There are times when a road trip can do a club good.  I'm thinking that a 9 game roadie to Minnesota, Miami and Washington might be what this team needs right now because home cooking hasn't helped them out much.

Truth of the matter is that this ball club isn't very good right now.  Their defense is atrocious as three more errors were committed today.  Their clutch hitting nearly non-existent and there's a lack of fire amongst them.  The bottom of the order is an automatic 3 outs, (unless Greinke is pitching) as there is a serious hole in the catching position at the moment.  Now we are looking at Hanley Ramirez and the injury bug surfacing again.  

Maybe being on the road will help the Dodgers gel.  It can't hurt, that's for sure, as a 4-6 record against lackluster opponents this stand didn't raise the confidence of anybody.  Third place on April 27th isn't a disaster, but returning from this road trip buried in the standing could be cause for concern.  But these are winnable games coming up against some mediocre teams.  It's time for the Dodgers to wake up and kick things into gear.

It was announced after the game that the team will be taking the cautious approach with Kershaw and that he'll make another minor league rehab start this Wednesday, probably at AA Chattanooga.  A prudent move as we are still in April.  That would mean that Kershaw should be starting one of the games in D.C., something that normally would have me jumping for joy as the Nats Park is about 20 minutes from me.  Unfortunately, I'll be out of the country next week on a work assignment, so I'll miss the entire series,  (wonderful timing...I know).

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry Evan, this team will gel !! Have a safe and productive trip !!
