Saturday, April 26, 2014

Butera...An Absolute Mystery to Me

Why is Drew Butera on this team?

Miguel Olivo is hitting .390 at Albuquerque.  I know he's not the answer at the catching position, but I know this guy can outhit Butera with his eyes closed.  They say Butera is a defensive specialist, but we've seen defensive shortcomings on that end of his game too.  I'm sure Drew's a nice guy, but come on.  The number 8 and 9 spots in the lineup are absolute outs.  The way this ball club is hitting, they need something to shake things up.

That's my late night rant.  Nice to see a win tonight.  The bully is struggling and Maholm's performance was much needed, but still three guys needed to go out there and close out this game that should have ended much easier than it did.  Here's hoping Sunday's game closes out the home stand on a winning note.

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