Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Facing the 26.1 Miles Southeast of Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim

Alright Dodger fans.  It's time to invade Angel Stadium.  Time to show some creativity while rooting for our Dodgers.  The hour has arrived to show the Anaheim faithful who truthfully hate being identified as being the "Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim" that we completely agree with them.

How's this for a chant?

"BEAT 26.1 miles southeast of L.A.!!  Beat 26.1 miles southeast of L.A.!!!"

Has a ring to it, doesn't it? Yeah I know, that's a mouthful.  How about this?

"BEAT L.A.!! of Anaheim, Beat L.A.!! of Anaheim."

Okay, doesn't work either.

Maybe it's best to simply chant "Let's Go Dodgers!"  After all, we've never really had to resort to emphasizing the enemy in our chants.  Mentioning the opposition in them is a sign of an inferiority complex, isn't that right San Francisco?  

When the Dodgers have players like Seager and Urias making the all star team in five years, we can take solace in the fact that the Angels will still be paying a 39 year old Pujols $28 million a year and they'll still have another 2 years and $60 million to pay on the contract.

Of course, by then the Angels might actually be playing in the city of Los Angeles if Arte Moreno gets his way.  And Anaheim could possibly be a distant memory of the Halos.  The Angels have an out clause on their Angel Stadium lease after the 2016 season and if Moreno doesn't get his way he has already made noise about moving to other Orange County cities.  Could Los Angeles actually be a possible destination?  They took the name already and with MLB's blessing, so I don't see why he wouldn't.

Dan Haren tries to right the ship tonight.  A tough chore, but baseball is a funny game.  You never know.

Let's Go Dodgers!  Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap!

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