Monday, December 9, 2013

Dodger Blog Shut Down Day

There’s bad news on the Dodger blogging front and that it the best source for all Dodger news has decided to hang up his baseball writing career.  Tony Jackson will be shutting down  This is unfortunate for those of us seeking that locker room insight on a day to day basis, but the drudgery of the marathon baseball season reporting has gotten to Tony, and I‘m sure if I was in his position, I’d probably feel the same way.  For selfish reasons, the news disappoints me, but I can only sit back and wish Mr. Jackson the best in his future endeavors.

His explanation for leaving is LINKED HERE

Another blog writer, Mark Timmons is hinting the same thing over at  Timmons, who has been in the blogging business for about as long as blogs have been around is writing that he's fed up with baseball.  He said goodbye to his readers yesterday.  It's not the first time he has done this, and he always seems to come back, but he has not been happy with the Dodger's spending ways and he made a veiled reference to Hanley Ramirez being a head case.  Anyway, you can read his explanation AT THIS LINK
Anybody else out there about to hang things up?  If Eric Stephen at TrueBlueLA announces he's leaving, be watching for me at the nearest bridge.


Announced this morning was the induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame of Bobby Cox and Tony La Russa and Joe Torre by the Expansion Era Election committee by unanimous vote.  No surprises here.

Congratulations to Joe, Tony and Bobby!

Again, the Garv came up short.  Surpisingly to me, Marvin Miller didn't get elected.


  1. I read both last posts. I wish them both well. I didn't read Mark's all the time as he was a bit provocative. I know he did it to encourage discourse but you could see in the last while he seemed a bit ticked off. I tend to agree a bit with the spending ways. I don't want to get older faster but I'm anxiously waiting for the more reasoned approach that is to follow, When I saw the Yankees spending again, it occurred to me that they are the Dodgers of the east.

    Did you see where Jon Weisman has been signed by the Dodgers as director of digital and print content? Good signing. I wonder if Eric Stephen or Tony Jackson were considered. Tony probably burned a bridge with his peeing in the pool expose.

  2. Tony shutting down is a disappointment but I couldn't see him lasting as a traveling beat writer without a revenue source. As you say Harold, I think Tony may have lost it with pool gate and other conflicts in the locker room. I also think the Dodgers signing Jon Weisman put him over the edge, he was probably hoping for the job. Mark Timmons can leave at any time, no great loss as far as I'm concerned.

    Hiring Jon for the new Dodger position was smart, I just hope he can maintain his independence and doesn't fall victim to following the Dodger line to a point of losing credibility.
