Saturday, September 14, 2013

Injuries Surfacing Again

The injury bug is back again.  Starters on this team are dropping like flies.

Hanley Ramirez, Chris Capuano, and now Andre Ethier added to the listed of injured players such as  Matt Kemp.   These latest developments have to be of concern for the Dodgers.  Then again, it’s a relief to know that 1) the team has just about clinched the division championship and 2) there are 19 days before the first post season game will be played.

Hanley Ramirez after injuring his shoulder in Chicago

It is questionable whether just short of three weeks is enough time for adequate recoveries from their differing injuries, but it certainly beats having them go down with injury a day or two before the playoffs begin.

Hanley Ramirez’s nagging hamstring he has played with for months.  Now reports are that he is suffering from a nerve problem in his spine.  So at the moment, there isn’t a lot of information about his recovery time.  Ramirez is the walking wounded this year with the wrist problem from the WBC, the hamstring pull from May, the jammed shoulder while catching the pop fly in the Chicago stands, the foul ball off his ankle three days ago, and now this back/nerve problem.  It’s a wonder that he’s still functioning out there.

Hanley, when healthy, has been a true MVP candidate, but let’s face it.  His body may be breaking down from the rigors of a full season.  This year should raise some red flags of concern, especially when considering there is talk of extending his contract beyond next year when he’ll be 31 years old.  There’s no doubt that he’s one of the best hitters in the game, but he’s having trouble staying injury-free.

The latest injury that surfaced from Andre Ethier is of some concern.  We receive news that he bothered his ankle during a swing at Colorado last week, and that during last night’s action, it really flared up on him.  Mattingly reported that it probably isn’t anything serious, which usually means just the opposite.  

The talk of home field advantage should be downplayed.  What the Dodgers should really be striving for is the “healthy-lineup” advantage.  We all saw what a healthy Dodger lineup could accomplish on the road during this second half.  It’s time to get the lineup back to that stage again for the playoffs.

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