Saturday, August 17, 2013

On No-hitters and Superstition

(My apologies for the sporadic posts, but I've been in Lake Tahoe this weekend playing in a softball tournament and I'll be traveling throughout the week as well.  Wifi service hasn't been completely reliable and I apologize for the interruptions to Dodger updates).

At the moment while following the Dodgers via MLB.gameday, it's another Kershaw start and as always, I watch his progress to see if a potential no-hitter is in the works.  (now through three, the Phils are hitless as the Dodgers lead 1-0).  Perhaps it's a foolish habit and unrealistic, but I think it's safe to say that many of us expect that no-hit gem from Kershaw to occur one day.

There will be those that claim it is blasphemous to merely mention the word "no-hitter" while Keshaw is in the process of throwing one, but you can throw me in the corner of those that don't believe in the superstition.  The superstition is for the guys on the bench, plain and simple.  It's downright silly to stretch it to fans, broadcasters and writers.  

(AP Photo by Alex Gallardo)

A person reporting on the team shouldn't keep his readers in the dark over a silly superstition that should apply only to PLAYERS AND COACHES IN THE DUGOUT.

There will be those that blame me when the 99.9% probability occurs and Kershaw gives up a hit.  To that I have one thing to say, "Phooey.,"  leave the superstition on the bench where it belongs.  And guess what?  Vin Scully agrees, (and it isn't like he's jinxed many no-hitters, because he has called about two dozen of them).  He said the following on the subject in 1960:

"I've called two near no-hitters this year," he said, "and have kept the listeners informed from the fouth inning on.  It's insulting the listeners to make them think they're silly and superstitious enough to believe my telling them is going to effect the outcome of the game.  I'm not breaking precedent, you see other announcers do the same.  No one expects the listener to hang on to every word for three hours.  They leave the radio from time to time and this service must be rendered."

(Source: Interview with LA Times writer, Don Page, July 9th, 1960)

So there you have it, the master of all masters in the media believes that the superstition is ridiculous.   I'm not arguing with the great one.  Neither should you.

Oh, and by the way...Kersahw has a perfecto going through four innings now.  

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, If I had the power to influence a no hitter by talking about it in a post, I would use those powers for other more important things. Sportscasters talking about a no hitter also don't have those powers.

    I do understand it on the bench if the pitcher is in his own little world locked in like never before, then conversation with him may well help to get him out of that zone.
