Thursday, November 29, 2012

Check Out

Over at I provide a guest post again, LINKED HERE.  This time it's on the Hall of Fame, the perplexing dilemma that Barry Bonds eligibility brings to voters and lastly my All-time Scumbag Hall of Fame starting lineup, (that is lacking a catcher, since I can't come up with a backstop that measures up).
Image Capture from the web site. I highly recommend to everyone.   You simply have to check it out from top to bottom.    The site includes various sections that include Dodgerfilms clips, photos and best of all, a forum that all are welcomed to join and participate.  Site creator and administrator Ron Cervenka is cutting edge and highly engaged in all the latest Dodger news.   He and collaborator Scott Harvey were instrumental in designing the website that is much more than your average Dodger themed blog.  Many recognize Ron from his participation in the Dodger 2008 film, Bluetopia, with his son.  He has run a Dodger forum/message board for several years at ThinkBlueLA.   Additionally he is a regular as the Dodger Bloggers spot in the press box and very well acquainted with the Dodgers P.R. staff after a short time in the blogging world.  He's a fine writer to boot.

Take a few minutes and sign up.  It'll be well worth your time and is a "must check in" each day for the latest Dodger news and opinion.  With DodgerThoughts having been scaled back substantially, there's no better stop where you can provide your opinion and ideas.  

One last thing I want to mention is that regular posters at ThinkBlueLA, from all over North America, congregate at Camelback Ranch for a week or two each year.  I really look forward to meeting a lot of these fine Dodger fans that I consider good friends already.  There is a lot of friendly banter amongst the posters on that forum.  Join up and meet us at Camelback Ranch this year in late February,  


  1. Thanks for the kind words, Evan; and of course thank you for your great articles. I know how difficult it is writing for one blog site - I can't even imagine writing for two of them.

    Thanks again, brother.

    Ron Cervenka

    1. You're welcome Ron. is the place to be!

  2. Excellent article you submitted to ThinkBlueLA Evan. That is, the Scumbag HOF. Took a fair bit of research to put that together. Good selections.
