Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pujols Seriously Considering Offer from Marlins

Is Pujols bluffing?   Would he seriously consider move to the Miami Marlins?  Miami has shown that it isn’t a legitimate baseball town.  With two World Championship clubs in their short 20 year existence, the Marlins have failed to draw year after year.  Now with a new Stadium opening up in 2012, the Marlins are flexing their fiscal muscles and attempting to bring in some big names.  Jose Guillen, Jose Reyes and now Albert Pujols.  If they land Pujols, the Miami Marlins will suddenly catapult the NL East into the best division in baseball.  Yes, I dare say that the NL East will be better than the AL East.

Twitter sources (John Heyman, Ken Rosenthal, Buster Olney and others) state that The Cardinals are attempting to match the 10 year $200 million plus offer that the Marlins have put on the table for Pujols.  If the Marlins pull the trigger on this deal, they will have spent more on payroll this week than they have for the past 10 years combined.  

Jose Reyes is said to be traveling to Dallas today for his formal introduction as a Miami Marlin

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