Saturday, July 16, 2011

Longest Win Streak of the Year Continues after the Break

Juan Rivera is greeted in the Dodger dugout after slugging a home run on the first pitch he received as a Dodger

Five wins in a row for the blue crew.  An impressive start for Juan Rivera.  Matt Kemp rakes and Clayton pitches well.  Additionally the club overcomes some costly errors and Kuo is looking good again as the bullpen racks up another 2 innings of shutout relief.  Nice way to start the second half.

I can't help but have mixed feelings about the Dodgers recent success.  If they keep this up, Colletii is bound to trade Jerry Sands, Trayvon Robinson or Dee Gordon for a two month rental veteran third baseman.


I mentioned it on twitter but not here, Dustin Nosler over at has a ten question interview with me, discussing the blog and the Dodgers.  Take a look if you are interested. 

 I'm the second blogger he interviewed.  He had Jared Massey from a few days ago too.  Dustin's blog is a great daily read.  Be sure to check it out.

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