Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What if?

What I love about baseball is the daily grind.  Here I was, in despair over a recent 3 game losing streak, and then Kuroda pitches a gem and a 3-0 win changes my attitude.  Now with the Gnats coming to town, the Dodgers throw their aces at them.  If they pull off two victories in this short series, then they make a serious run at the division lead.  I like the Dodgers chances with Kershaw and Billingsley going on Wednesday and Thursday.

You ever wonder what Hiroki Kuroda’s record would look like if he simply got a little bit of run support?  Now two months into his 4th MLB season, Kuroda evened his lifetime win-loss record at 34-34.    All with an Earned Run Average at 3.53.  He’s certainly not Cy Young candidate material, but those numbers are solid and with a little more run support he could easily have won 40-45 games over that span.  I’m glad he didn’t seek a contract elsewhere and that he chose to remain in L.A.  You really couldn’t have blamed him had he chosen to find a new home with the run support he has received over the years.  He is a key member of the starting five and probably the best number three starter in the league this year up to this point in the season.
Dodger starting pitching has been the glue that has held this club together so far.  I have to believe that if the Dodgers are sitting near .500 and within a few games of first place when Blake and Furcal return, they are in good shape.  In this first 43 games, Dodger starters have thrown 28 quality starts. That’s a 64% clip and is second best in the National League.  Take a look at how the Dodgers compare to the rest of the league.  It can be easily said that the Dodgers starting five ranks in the top three in the N.L.
Quality Starts by Team and overall team record:
Phillies 29 25-16
Dodgers 28 20-23
Braves 27 25-19
Cardinals 24 23-19
Reds 23 24-17
Giants 23 21-19
Marlins 21 24-16
Rockies 19   21-18
Interestingly, the Dodgers are the only team amongst this group with a losing record. This goes to show how the bullpen has faltered and the lack of run support that the starting pitching has received.  A return of Blake and Furcal and the recent improvements in the bullpen have me thinking that perhaps this club can contend.  I’m just hoping that the starters haven’t used up all their bullets in the first two months of the season and that they can continue their successful run of quality starts.   

Clayton Kershaw leads the team with 7 quality starts so far this season.

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