Monday, May 30, 2011

Time to Make a Move

Now’s the time.  A stretch of hitting combined with decent pitching.  It’s time for the vets on this club to carry them forward and sweep a series and get back in the race.  The Dodger hitting has not only returned the last two days, but there has been timely hitting.  Dodger hitters the past two games have gone 9 for 21 (.429) with runners in scoring position.  We know that clutch hitting has been virtually non-existent this entire season so far, so this is a welcome change.
James Loney Connects for his third homer of the season.
James Loney has raised his average to .249, and Rafael Furcal to .213 (he was as low as .130 a few days ago).  The club has scored 15 runs and had 28 hits the past 48 hours.  Those aren’t earth shattering numbers, but who could have guessed that this team could come up with that kind of offensive output just three days ago?

He got all of it.
Okay, it’s only two games, but there hasn’t been much to get excited about this season, and a two day offensive outburst is a big deal when you consider what this club has been doing all season.  Tomorrow they attempt to put together their third three game winning streak of the season.  A three game streak is the longest  this club has been able to muster.  If they take the next two from Colorado, they’ll take over third place in the division.  One team at a time by one game at a time.
Chad Billingsley didn’t have his best stuff tonight, but he was good when it mattered, serving up two double play grounders and snuffing out Rockie rallies as he went 7 innings and improved his record to an even 4-4.  Dodger defense did it’s part in helping as well when Matt Kemp gunned down Carlos Gonzalez at the plate to end the inning.
Kuo Comeback?
Reports out of Arizona are that Hong-Chih Kuo has faced 50 batters in simulated game situations and has fared well.  Personally I thought it was a bit premature to start comparing Kuo to Steve Blass.  I think he’ll come back fine provided that he is healthy.  What many seem to forget was that Kou was battling a back ailment and it threw his mechanics out of wack, thus making it difficult for him to find the strike zone.

It would be nice to see him back with the club by the time his bobblehead day arrives, which is Tuesday, June 14th.

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