Saturday, April 9, 2011

Random Thoughts, April 9, 2011

What is it with San Diego and the MLB Package?
It seems that season after season, the games against the Padres are often not available on the MLB package.  Does anyone know why?  Again tonight, not the suspended game or the regularly scheduled game.
Who am I to complain though?  When I was a kid the only games on were road games against the Giants from Candlestick and some other “special occasion” games if the team was in a pennant race.  We are so spoiled today that if we can’t get all 162 games on TV we complain.
Remember when Walter O’Malley refused to permit televised home games?   It would be a real treat if we got a home game on KTTV at the end of the season.  Of course it would only happen if the game was a complete sell out.  Now those were special games to watch.
Now here I am griping about not being able to watch a regular season game a mere seven games in to the season.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I was looking forward to attending the Giants Dodgers game that I have tickets for this Monday, April 11th, but I have been warned that there will be an element at AT&T Park that is seeking revenge.  For the first time ever, I am contemplating not attending.  At first I just decided myself to go without any blue on and no Dodger baseball cap.  Now I’m not sure I want to attend at all.

I have been told by some that attended the Giant opening day on Friday that there is serious talk amongst some to seriously give Dodger fans a hard time.  I have always enjoyed the friendly banter with Giant fans over the years.  I certainly don’t want things to return to the Candlestick Park days.  I was a lot younger than I am now when I used to brave the Candlestick crowd in a Dodger cap.  I’m too old for those shenanigans again.
Disrespecting the Duke
After Duke Snider died in late February.  There were some very dignified articles and posts circulating throughout the internet.  Over at Dodger Thoughts, Jon Weisman noted that Bay Area media had virtually ignored the news of Snider’s death and that it was hardly even noticed over on Giant blogs and message boards.  Not that it was a big deal, it was just noticeable.

My son returned from the Giants home opener and related to me that the public address announcer acknowledged many former Giants, name by name, as they recognized their first World Series Championship in San Francisco.   The Duke, who finished his career as a Giant in 1964, was one of those players announced.  When his name was heard, it was received by a resounding chorus of boos.  Never mind that he has been dead a mere 42 days.
Stay classy San Francisco.
Curtailing the Booze at Games

A decision by the Dodgers to not offer the half-price beer for 6 games this season is definitely a wise one.  The fact that they are considering cutting off beer sales even earlier would be the correct move too.  As a non-drinker, if it were up to me, there wouldn’t be any alcohol served at games.  That’s just me.  I know I’m in the minority on this topic.  But with the recent events and overwhelming agreement that an ugly violent element has arrived at Dodger Stadium crowds, how can my point of view not be seriously considered?
I’ll never understand the attraction to getting liquored up in order to enjoy a sporting event.  Is it a macho thing?  Someone, please explain to me why it is so important to have 4-5 beers while watching a game.  It can’t be because it makes you understand the action any clearer.  It can’t be because it makes you feel any better about your team.  Surely it doesn’t make you a more attentive or loving parent at the “family” event you are attending.  It certainly makes you miss more of the action due to the required bathroom breaks.  I don’t get it.  I guess I have underestimated the power of attractive advertising because beer commercials are definitely the most creative out there.

Comments from the Last Post Appreciated

A heartfelt "thank you" to those that expressed such kind words on my post yesterday.  They meant a lot.  


  1. Evan - I agree with you...I don't understand why people want to drink 4 or 5 beers in the parking lot and then 6 or 7 more in the stadium. I've sat near people who have been so drunk they are asleep in their seats by the 3rd inning!

  2. I'm a drinker and I don't see any need for alcohol to be served at sporting events.
