Friday, February 25, 2011

LET THE (Spring Training) GAMES BEGIN

Today I clicked the radio on at work and the sweet sounds of a baseball game was heard being transmitted from Scottsdale, AZ.  (Giants-Diamondbacks).  It is only February 25th and baseball is back on the air. On a day when weather prognosticators are predicting snow in San Francisco, (sometime around 4 am), they’re playing exhibition games in Arizona.  Life is good.
Speaking of Giants.  I forgot to mention that they have a commercial radio spot that plays several times a day with Manager Bruce Bochy in which he is plugging a season ticket plan.  What makes it interesting is that he mentions getting tickets for “Dodger games, and other division rivals.”  They still fear L.A.  Amazing as it seems, after finally winning a World Series, they are still obsessed with the Dodgers.
Bloggers are providing a lot of news the past day or so:
At Vin Scully is my Homeboy, Roberto Baly reports the latest Dodger news.  The throwback jerseys, powder blue satin away jerseys from the 194os (that won’t be satin), have won the contest and will be worn during 6 games this year.  I wish we could have seen the 1911 jerseys.  I thought those were the best looking ones.
More on the same topic from Sons of Steve Garvey, with additional photos:

TrueBlue LA has an interesting article on minor leaguer, Luis Vasquez, a fireballing right hander that is hitting 100 MPH on the radar gun with his fastball.  If only he could grasp some control.  2011 will be a pivotal year for him.

Mike Petriello over at Mike Scoscia’s Tragic Illness discusses Frank McCourt’s financial troubles in more detail.  There’s a great photoshopping job there and interesting comments by his readers.
Additionally on the McCourt case, a thread dedicated to it over at Big Blue Wrecking Crew is interesting reading.  Many with legal backgrounds are predicting a total financial disaster with the Dodger ownership.  Very interesting reading in a thread that goes all the way back to August of last year.
Jon Weisman at Dodgerthoughts has an interesting revelation on Casey Blake’s performance when he gets some rest.  It isn’t a promising outlook on what we may see this year.

I’ll be watching Emma Amaya’s blog in the next few days as she heads on out to Camelback Ranch this weekend.  She’s always got an interesting perspective.  We originally met at Vero Beach about 5-6 years ago.  There’s no bigger fan.
Have a great weekend everybody.  It's time to enjoy some Dodger baseball again put that nightmare season of 2010 officially to rest.


One more Giants note and I promise to try to stop posting about them, but I'm sitting here listening to Jon Miller announce the game and I just have to add something.  If his comments don't put the 8th inning playing of Journey's  "Don't Stop Believing" at Dodger Stadium to rest, I don't know what will.  He said that it became an "Anthem" to the Giants championship season.  He mentioned that Steve Perry is a lifelong Giants fan and when shown on the Video Screen at SF's Phone bill park, he stood up, pointed to his Giant's hat (in reference to his allegiance to the Giants and not the Dodgers) and then led the crowd of 40,000 fans in singing the song.  So that's it folks.  The song has to go.  in fact, I'd say that a massive protest at Dodger Stadium is warranted if it is ever played again.

It's time for Count Basie in the 8th inning!

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