Sunday, January 30, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting

David and Eric, my grandkids, Little League Photo from Summer 2010

I have been taking a few days away from the blog as my grandkids have been staying with us for four days while their parents get a short vacation.  Sometimes I forget how difficult being a parent of youngins can be.  It is really a full time job.  I have cooked a lot this weekend and the house is a mess.
So now on day three, Sunday morning, I type this with a bit of a stiff neck after concluding the night where two of the three ended up in our bed.  I think I spent half the night with a little foot pounding my lower back.   And I got the best of it because me wife REALLY took a pounding from them.

Sofia, our grandaughter

So, as much as I’d love to keep up the pace with an almost daily posting, it simply wasn’t possible.
I’d love to indoctrinate them all into rooting for for the blue, but being in Giant country, they are slowly being indoctrinated in Giant ways.  And the World Series win doesn’t help matters as I try to lean them towards the Dodgers.  I simply have too much competition.  There are some things that can’t be controlled I guess.  But I won’t give up.  As you see in the pictures I took below, something that won't make their Gnat fan uncles too happy, I'm trying.

So my goal this weekend was to get them away from the video games and outside to actually participate in sports.  But we had rain, so that idea sort of went out the window.
On Saturday morning I took David, my six-year old grandson, to the recycling place to turn in cans and bottles for money.  What is it about that?  I could hand him a $5 bill and he won’t think twice about it, but then when he sees a bunch of cans and bottles to turn in, “Woah!!! That’s awesome!”

It has been fun, but I'm exhausted.  And I gotta go because I am being asked by David where the pancake mix is, "what in the world are they doing in the kitchen?"

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